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  • Individual First Aid Kit - Must have for the SHTF

    Cool vid brother, I to make my own IFAK's. applying the survival triangle or triad process. (a: meds/pharma, b: band-aids, c: tools) we carry...
  • IFAK - Individual First Aid Kit

    Yes, I am aware of that. Thank you... The bag sits inside my work bag so I am not too concerned about it. I have had a hell of a time finding a...
  • I.F.A.K. (Individual First Aid Kit)

    Just some idea's here, can you get that tape off of the gauze pack with one hand or a wet hand ??, and yes have the sutures, but you also need the...
  • IFAK In My Vehicle Contents

    A quick look at a good simple first aid kit setup for your car, truck, range, or pack.
  • First Aid Kits and Tips : Treating Abrasions: First Aid for Minor Injuries

    I have an abrasion on my left leg directly below my knee ..which is my shin.I got it about 3 days ago and its not healing well.it secretes yellow...
  • First Aid Kits and Tips : Treating a Hangnail: First Aid for Minor Injuries

    Why don't they ever do a video for what to do when the hangnail is already red, swelling and pus-filled? I've got one right now and nothing I do is...

Individual First Aid Kit - Must have for the SHTF


IFAK - Individual First Aid Kit


I.F.A.K. (Individual First Aid Kit)


IFAK In My Vehicle Contents


First Aid Kits and Tips : Treating Abrasions: First Aid for Minor Injuries


First Aid Kits and Tips : Treating a Hangnail: First Aid for Minor Injuries


Why It's Important To Have A First Aid Kit In Your Car | eZeHealth


In Car Survival/First Aid Kit: For Hiking & Camping



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