http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuHg7cx-r3gendofvid[starttext]wow can i just ask is this like shock?[endtext]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4o6D10AkMgendofvid[starttext]Helping someone who has eaten or drunk a harmful substance -- establish what they have taken. When? And how much?
Everyday First Aid: Poison and harmful substances
First aid kits tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ceh9CWHS7kendofvid[starttext]If they don't have an inhaler you should call emergency services and ask for an ambulance.[endtext]
Everyday First Aid: Asthma
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om-GoF8wojIendofvid[starttext]Let me clarify: It reduces the ability for a wound to recover because it's too agressive for the damaged flesh.[endtext]
How to Make a First Aid Kit : Disinfectants used in First Aid Kits
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3RsvHZLLmYendofvid[starttext]Agreed, also ones that are all metal with no plastic so they can be sterilized in an autoclave or if you do not have access to one then you should boil them for ten minutes.[endtext]
How to Make a First Aid Kit : Scissors, Tapes & Gauze for the First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edsd79NR3Pgendofvid[starttext]always wear gloves!!!do u want your cut dirty from the hands of somone who got logs for a campfire with who knows what on it!?!?![endtext]
How to Make a First Aid Kit : Bandages included in First Aid Kits
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGW657RDlEYendofvid[starttext]Before you try and demonstrate your kit you need to actually know what is in your kit and how to use it. Its one thing to have a survival hobby but you have a lot of items there Im really not sure you know how or when to use.[endtext]
My Homemade First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D3fObQn_UUendofvid[starttext]Where did you get all these prescription meds from? I hope everyone knows we're not all going to be able to get these. But a very good med kit, however not for the layman, that's for sure.[endtext]
Medical Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaMBZo6ouhkendofvid[starttext]Sounds like a great kit and sounds like you have some pretty extensive supplies for a kit in the 5 pound range. Also, you're lucky to have such a resource. Thanks for your suggestions.[endtext]
What's in Your First Aid Kit?
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvbMro6UIQYendofvid[starttext]my mom had an injury like that....she had to keep a bandage on for like a week and she said she taped a plastic bag over then bandage and took it off the plastic after each shower.[endtext]
First Aid - Arm laceration
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPIC_JGkE_Yendofvid[starttext]This is a great video I've watched it like 10 times...[endtext]
First Aid - Immobilization
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Beo0lCiOiYendofvid[starttext]all that fuss for a sprain i wish we had that attention now a days[endtext]
First Aid - sprains
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLG5-YOGuGAendofvid[starttext]Basic First Aid Kit 1 for home, camping or keeping in your vehicle[endtext]
Basic First Aid Kit 1.wmv
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFBfKPhYIJcendofvid[starttext]Firstly you are correct, Tegaderm is completely adhesive on one side. However, when you say " tegaderm always sticks onto my wounds. that stuff is pure adhesive." are you saying it sticks to the abrasion and when performing a re-dress it is painful to remove?[endtext]
Vehicle First Aid Kit
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwJuO6oGuREendofvid[starttext]I had read something a while back about the chemical risks of quick-clot, and that it could actually damage tissue. It may have been another product similar to QC, but I can't recall. What's your opinion on that?[endtext]
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC7ZKNvPYSMendofvid[starttext]The outdoor first aid kit contains 173 pieces of first aid equipment that is perfect for any outdoor emergency.[endtext]
Outdoor First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkTOZNM8R4wendofvid[starttext]This is the small first-aid kit that I keep on my belt.[endtext]
Small first-aid survival kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGgLHBFYKHgendofvid[starttext]Promote wellness with the help of the Small First-Aid Kit! Supply your clientele with this first responder for better preparation of unexpected nicks, scratches, bumps or bruises[endtext]
Small First-Aid Kit -- Custom Logo'd Products by 4imprint
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTF7rtq1q9Iendofvid[starttext]My child who is 9 years old has got a cramp.He is a badminton player.Your tips certainly helped me as his parent.[endtext]
First-Aid - Muscle Cramps - Muscle cramps
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0orsahyKJaoendofvid[starttext]According to 9th Edition p 140 RICE now stands for Rest, Ice, COMFORTABLE SUPPORT and Elevate .[endtext]
First aid - Sprains and strains
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBM8RB3-Magendofvid[starttext]A burn is an open wound and the use of a wet towel will stick to the skin as it is fluffy. The use of clean fresh clingfilm will not only prevent dirt entering the wound, it will also prevent any furher loss of fluid, and this will help when treating the casualty for shock!![endtext]
First aid - Dealing with burns
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C39t5_NmFFUendofvid[starttext]I've got something in my eye. It's the worst I've had. It feels big and hard but I can't do anything about it.[endtext]
First Aid - Eye injury
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K3wEkp7VSUendofvid[starttext]Sounds great, I thought about buying this. But after this review I really dont see it being worth that. [endtext]
Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Pack Review
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZbMYPgSMJkendofvid[starttext]paul question. disinfecting instruments outdoors. alcohol wipes or fire? whats better in your opinion? just a survey im interested in[endtext]
Personal First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0zKD52QNdsendofvid[starttext]thank you Brad. Im glad to have such a good feedback with this topic. [endtext]
Adventure Medical Kits - First Aid Kit Hunter
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqDdLUi7kkAendofvid[starttext]ask her to lay back encase she faints. so she doesn't bang her head again.[endtext]
Everyday First Aid: Head injury
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCNTMIcOMpEendofvid[starttext]He sounds like fatboy on Eastenders... anyway this video is really helpful, thank you.[endtext]
Everyday First Aid: Stroke
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qje-XlNowIendofvid[starttext]Helping someone who is having a heart attack -- help the person sit down, and call 999 immediately.[endtext]
Everyday First Aid: Heart attack
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGznNGtT4xwendofvid[starttext]I love the way she tells the guy to get a defribulater. Hmm, somehow I don`t think the average Joe will have one or even find one! But good video anyway. Anything like this is always helpful.[endtext]
First aid - How to perform CPR on adults
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCDa-AhrjHoendofvid[starttext]They talk about what should be on a school curriculum and I can think of no better subject than to have all children taught CPR. I'm sure that would save countless lives.[endtext]
First aid - How to put someone in the recovery position
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cakw-IVVyhEendofvid[starttext]If blood from a nose is thin and watery it can indicate internal bleeding e.g not from the nostrils ! ! Learn first aid then comment !![endtext]
First Aid - Nose bleed
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VsO5kPzDnoendofvid[starttext]Good point. However, unless seriously injured, I don't need saving. I've spent my life in the woods. Besides the camo is half about having hunting camo in my truck all the time so that I can go hunting after work etc...[endtext]
3 day emergency vehicle kit
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRkIwt0teiwendofvid[starttext]Firestone Complete Auto Care wants to make sure you're safe on the road. There are several things you should always keep in your vehicle in case of emergency.[endtext]
Emergency Car Kit Tips
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us5OtBn_6x0endofvid[starttext]I have changed my kit greatly since this video. It's now contained in a large plastic toolbox, with more/updated contents. I didn't have an issue with the ammo cans rusting; they're still in use in the other 2 cars with no issues.[endtext]
Emergency Car Kit
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXPH0sSqVhQendofvid[starttext]I hike and camp a lot and I never had the need for a first aid kit. If you're accident prone and need a massive first aid kit then go for it. [endtext]
The Ultimate Bug out bag first aid kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcgUGw0QaZEendofvid[starttext]This is a great video!!! Now, someone should make a video about preparing your pantry/storage for a natural disaster. Like canned food, water, etc[endtext]
Making a First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI2xqx2PKroendofvid[starttext]how much i might get one is it heavy i carry a pretty large one incase summthing happens to a student in the wild[endtext]
survival tips, car trunk first aid kit
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgcRKAfbr6Yendofvid[starttext]Stay safe on a road trip by packing a first aid-kit for the car. Find out what to include in a travel first-aid kit in this free first-aid video from a professional fireman.[endtext]
First Aid & Safety Tips : How to Pack a First-Aid Kit for Your Car
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4tlRvbkNVQendofvid[starttext]You are a good man and I appreciate your service as a firefighter. The previous comment by wellington is correct,yellow jackets stingers remain win their body. Please check with your local pest control extension services through the agricultural department to verify and you will find he is correct. Thanks that is the only reason I gave thumbs down.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat a Yellow Jacket Sting
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9_v0Kani28endofvid[starttext]thanks for the tip I have had this issue a few times :)[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Sun Rash
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seVxaI9rUiUendofvid[starttext]Exposure to poison oak, ivy or sumac will result in oil on the skin that should not be spread, but rather should be flushed with cool, running water. Apply hydrocortisone cream to an itchy area of skin with tips from a street firefighter in this free video on first aid and medical treatment[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Poison Oak, Ivy & Sumac
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24qGFoy4Pcwendofvid[starttext]The only thing worse than being bitten by a snake is not knowing what to do[endtext]
How To Treat a Snakebite
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYX0LT6d72gendofvid[starttext]A soon as you have determined they have no pulse (lay rescuer) start compressions immediately. Remember it is common to break ribs doing CPR any way. Keeping blood circulating to the brain and other organs is the most important thing. Like any other wound (assuming its open) having someone putting pressure on it while you are doing CPR is an even more productive way care for the patient.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat a Punctured Lung
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7zp15B5VaEendofvid[starttext]Too bad, only few people watch such videos. They've got to know the steps of treating wounds in case of an emergency.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat a Puncture Wound
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ85WHTIAl4endofvid[starttext]Frostbite can be treated by elevating the affected area, placing it in lukewarm water and wrapping it with a sterile dressing.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Frostbite
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD7AaAN3PS4endofvid[starttext]How to pick a first aid kit for emergency medical care and treatment in this free first aid video.[endtext]
How to Make a First Aid Kit : Selecting a First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0nv7JJ8wcUendofvid[starttext]His kit is about near perfect, I personally carry a bit more and am prepared to be lost, and deal with more health ordeals should they occur. It helps to hunt in a group of well trusted individuals and assign one to be a medic.[endtext]
First Aid Kit- Please comment
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=777VKa9KnOIendofvid[starttext]How to pick electrolytes for a first aid kit for emergency medical care and treatment in this free first aid video.[endtext]
How to Make a First Aid Kit : Electrolyte to Include in Your First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCKNgliPT-Eendofvid[starttext]so many more people should see this it's really good basic knowledge to have that could save your babies life, it's a shame you have to pay for a first aid certificate.[endtext]
First Aid - If your baby stops breathing
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOtvVIB8ULoendofvid[starttext]It's because the reason a baby needs CPR is more likely to be because of a respiratory problem, so they're more in need of Oxygen to pump round the body[endtext]
First aid - Baby CPR
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXtFqFxR-Doendofvid[starttext]Learn life-saving first aid skills fast[endtext]
First aid - Dealing with bleeding
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCtln78Io2Qendofvid[starttext]Carrying a bee sting kit is kind of scary, b/c you never know who's going to know how to use it, in order to help if you pass out before you yourself can use it.[endtext]
First Aid Kits and Tips : Treating a Bee Sting: First Aid for Minor Injuries
First aid kits tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-ZqULDWAH8endofvid[starttext]I agree with you in cleaning the wound first, but as long as it is bleeding out it keeps the wound clean or at least no bacteria or other particles get inside the wound. But still cleaning the wound is not wrong[endtext]
First Aid Kits and Tips : Stopping the Bleeding: First Aid for Minor Injuries
First aid kits tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7dP3rTzZNQendofvid[starttext]Rapid Care First Aid Kits [endtext]
Rapid Care First Aid Kits
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd1k-iMYs8Mendofvid[starttext]In this Magnet Group Minute mini-presentation Jamie shows you some cool new first aid kits from Innovations by Magnet.[endtext]
Magnet Group Minute - New for 2010 - First Aid Kits
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5_8bMWCcQkendofvid[starttext]First Aid Global Warehouse Catalog is Wholesale to the Public. First Aid Kits, Safety Products, Preparedness Supplies, Latex and Food Service Gloves, Fire and Smoke Escape Hoods, Cool Off and Sunscreen Towelettes, Emergency Solar Power by Goal Zero, Everest Bags, Burn Aid and much more[endtext]
First Aid Products.wmv
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJt7XySKqYIendofvid[starttext]what if the blister pops on its own and their is open flesh what do you do? i am unsure of what to do because it is on my upper arm by my arm pit so it is hard to keep a dressing on it.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Second & Third-Degree Burns
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k_q7T4GfvQendofvid[starttext]the problem with PSA's like this is that they expect you to be around medical personell. what the hell do you do if you in the middle of the deser t on a trip, or in a plane crash waiting for rescue, or what if shit hits the fan and civilization breaks down? other than get in a O2 rich enviroment, theres nothing you can do as far as im aware though.[endtext]
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEyU-3OpE-Aendofvid[starttext]Food poisoning causes vomiting and diarrhea, and should be treated by preventing dehydration and eating bland, easily digestible foods. Suck on ice chips or sip clear liquids when treating food poisoning with tips from a street firefighter in this free video on first aid and medical emergencies.
First Aid Tips : How to Treat Food Poisoning
First aid tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmZZSvCSmosendofvid[starttext]this is for adults not for child[endtext]
First Aid For Choking Children
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCDa-AhrjHoendofvid[starttext]this is the new recovery position I think, isn't it.?.. in my first first-aid course we learned how to do the old one...could you make a video of how to put someone in the "old" recovery position?also ..thank you so much for the videos.. first aid is so important and everyone should know how to do it:-) xoxo [endtext]
First aid - How to put someone in the recovery position
First aid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cifk_ohsDoendofvid[starttext]This really helped for my exam... thanks a lot :) [endtext]
First aid: triangular bandage
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=carFo9yVS8gendofvid[starttext]How to stop a nose bleed; get expert tips and advice on performing first aid and emergency medical care in this free instructional video.[endtext]
First Aid Kits and Tips : Stopping a Nose Bleed: First Aid for Minor Injuries
First aid kits tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbOdWXVJ-6Eendofvid[starttext]The tuna and spam are always a must and with a little portable bag of rice is a good meal for three days alone.[endtext]
Emergency Car Kit - 2 Food In Case You're Stranded
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VnOpyHqChoendofvid[starttext]i've try'd telling my family about stuff like this and they were like shut up thats not going to happen...so what happens were break down in the middle of nowhere so i said i told you so..didn't i tell you......lucky i pack my own bag full of survival goodies...weeks after this we went on an other trip and the same happend again i was like what the fuck...even today they never listen to reason so i told them save your own skin next time even some of my friends are like that but they learn'd[endtext]
72 Hour Kit - Emergency Food and Water in your Vehicle
First aid kits in vehicle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up7B-IZBkqEendofvid[starttext]Yeah, the thing is i could have avoided the whole situation if I was paying closer attention. But I learned from the experience.[endtext]
Basic Emergency First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1cNHVFFYQAendofvid[starttext]Do you really need those tongue depressors? It never even occurred to me. Maybe a small thermometer is a better idea? I use a lifesystems explorer kit, and I really wish I could fit more into it.[endtext]
First Aid Kit Level 2 , hiking or emergancy medical kit bug out bag
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YARpSrdbl6wendofvid[starttext]great job, the key ,really is making a kit that works for you, and you'll know exactly whats in it, too many people just kits and dont have a clue whats inside. nice job[endtext]
First Aid Kit Level 1
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3_9wED0rrYendofvid[starttext]I agree, you have great points, especially the blood stopper, using tampon pad's, which I do not yet have, but slowly getting the nerve to buy some for my medical kit.... if anyone ask's, I'll just say it's for my girlfriend, even though I don't have one yet...LOL.... Blessings and Cheers.[endtext]
First Aid Kit - helpful tips from FreaknMissy
First aid kits tips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGWPz9gPV_wendofvid[starttext]salt packets, sting relief, benadryl you could add. you will most likely need more than two butterfly sutures, to close a wound that requires them, but if you don't want to add more, the medical tape works, but just not as well. Other wise, your good to go for a PFAK.[endtext]
Pocket first aid kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaPZEYk6OEIendofvid[starttext]even the smallest (minor) cut can make them cry for hours. you will be amazed what a band aid with butterfly pattern can do over a trip the the hospital! (yeas i made an extreme comparison to prove a point!) If you had any significant 1st aid training you would know that the psychological treatment of a patient is just as important as the physiological.[endtext]
My First Aid Kit
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd_2MpZGmYsendofvid[starttext]Just a an idea, but when I took my last first aid/CPR course, for sugar for diabetics, they recommended keeping some of the little tubes of frosting around, works like sugar but you can put in between their cheek and gum, and it gets absorbed faster then granulated sugar.[endtext]
What You Should Have In A First Aid Pack
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba95jvWXWKIendofvid[starttext]I might get this kit just for the bag...I love how it's labeled! I'm not to big on pre-made kits but the bag looks good.[endtext]
First aid kits
First aid kits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elK18zIgHbIendofvid [starttext]We take your privacy seriously. This privacy policy describes what personal information we collect and how we use it.
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